Researchers from the UK and the US developed a custom analysis algorithm by improving the pre-trained architecture developed by Microsoft called ResNet50 and adding a traditional machine learning technique called a Support Vector Machine. This new AI tool has put its detective hat on and found a very surprising detail in one of Raphael’s famous paintings, Madonna della Rosa. After careful analysis of a significant amount of artworks, the AI tool concluded that the face of Joseph in the painting might not have been painted by Raphael himself but possibly by his pupil, Giulio Romano.

Many art critics have been discussing the matter since the 1800s, whether or not Raphael painted all his artworks by himself. In that sense, introducing such an AI assistance definitely adds a new layer to the discussion. This deep feature analysis showcased in the Heritage Science journal highlights that this AI tool doesn’t aim to steal the thunder of art experts but rather provides a helpful and accurate way of uncovering the mysteries of classic artworks.

Madonna della Rosa
Madonna della Rosa