Our Services

Where passion and innovation converge to shape the future of your business

Value Creation

We specialize in providing unparalleled services to address your business challenges head-on. Whether you're seeking the best business solutions, tackling performance issues, or in need of Research and Development or Custom Software solutions, we deliver results that exceed expectations.

From the spark of an idea to the realisation of your dreams, we're here to guide you every step of the way.

Technical Business Analysis

You tell us about your business needs, we formulate a Problem Statement, and we find a way to solve it.

By the way, did you know that slow software performance can be solved by implementing advanced optimization techniques, improving user experience and efficiency?

Let's explore how we can help you achieve your goals.

Research & Development

Our team meticulously crafts a Solution Plan, researches the state-of-the-art, proposes an innovative approach, and creates a detailed quote, which serves you as a roadmap.

With the plan in place, our experts embark on development of the prototype.

Let's bring your vision to life, together.

Custom Software Development

Our expert team works diligently to transform your ideas into functional, high-quality software products. With attention to detail, we ensure that every aspect of the development process reflects our commitment to excellence.

By fusing concepts of development and operations (DevOps, MLOps) and using best practices of CI/CD and data engineering, our commitment extends beyond the launch date.

Trust us to deliver tailored solutions that drive your business success.


Are you ready to take your IT company's performance to the next level?

Imagine the impact of harnessing the true potential of GPUs—accelerating data analytics, supercharging machine learning models, and unlocking the potential of scientific simulations with unprecedented speed and efficiency! Our technical experts have achieved remarkable results, increasing performance by more than 10x speed for businesses.

Technical Excellence

Founded in 2019 by Balázs Keszthelyi, co-inventor of more than a dozen patents and contributor to two international standards, we know how to beat the state-of-the-art.

Balázs’ passion for high quality and superior performance sets a high bar, generating value for our clients and growth for our employees.

Responsible All the Way

Consultancies focusing on theoretical best practices but not implementations and software houses concentrating on the best delivery of the technical scope may both do an excellent job. Still, the result may land in the drawer.

TechnoLynx ventures out in the business woods just enough to understand the business problem and hunt down the best solutions. We expand our responsibility to make sure we are solving the right problems, otherwise, we stick to what we know best: inventing technologies and making software.

Also in software and looking for a referral partner?

What Happens for the Client,

Stays with the Client

Outsourcing core technology development may be seen as a risky venture because the contractor may ultimately get leverage over the client for knowing the IP best.

At TechnoLynx, we have the tightest IP clauses applied both with our clients and our own employees, making sure that anything generated within the remit of a project is owned by the client.



The Rise of AI in Archaeological Discoveries

The Rise of AI in Archaeological Discoveries

Discover how AI in archaeology is transforming the field through advanced technologies like computer vision, generative AI, NLP, and more to uncover historical mysteries.


Smart Grids in Energy Management

Smart Grids in Energy Management

Explore how AI enhances smart grids by advancing battery design and enabling precise maintenance forecasting, leading to improved efficiency, reduced costs, and better integration of renewable energy sources.


Understanding the Tech Stack for Edge Computing

Understanding the Tech Stack for Edge Computing

Walk through the core components of a tech stack for edge computing. Learn about distributed computing models and how TechnoLynx can help implement effective edge computing solutions.


AI Smartening the Education Industry

AI Smartening the Education Industry

Curious about AI in education? This article explores the latest AI trends transforming classrooms. Discover personalised learning, data-driven insights, and the future of education with AI.


AI in Pharmaceutics: Automating Meds

AI in Pharmaceutics: Automating Meds

Artificial intelligence is without a doubt a big deal when included in our arsenal in many branches and fields of life sciences, such as neurology, psychology, and diagnostics and screening. In this article, we will see how AI can also be beneficial in the field of pharmaceutics for both pharmacists and consumers. If you want to find out more, keep reading!


AI: The Bright Spark Behind Smart Lighting Solutions

AI: The Bright Spark Behind Smart Lighting Solutions

Discover how AI-related technologies like computer vision, generative AI, GPU acceleration, IoT edge computing, natural language processing, and VR/AR are being applied to create smart lighting solutions. Learn about smart lighting in homes, offices, and factories and how AI-powered lighting improves energy efficiency, safety, and user experience.


Using AI Techniques To Improve Recycling

Using AI Techniques To Improve Recycling

We will explore how AI-enabled technologies like computer vision, generative AI, IoT edge computing, GPU acceleration, natural language processing, and VR/AR/XR are improving recycling processes. AI can help organisations make long-term sustainable choices by making it easier to recycle.


The Rise of Futuristic AR Powered by Advanced AI

The Rise of Futuristic AR Powered by Advanced AI

The future can be brought right in front of your eyes, and your fingertips can now point anywhere in the air and make things happen! You call it magic; we call it the power of AI integrated with AR/VR.


Exploring Diffusion Networks

Exploring Diffusion Networks

Let's delve into the underlying concepts of diffusion networks and provide a practical explanation on how such a model can be trained and used to generate novel images.


Using AI to Reduce Our Carbon Footprint

Using AI to Reduce Our Carbon Footprint

We will explore how AI technologies like computer vision, generative AI, IoT edge computing, and GPU acceleration are being used to reduce our carbon footprint. AI can be applied to make wise choices in industries, supply chains, and our daily lives.


AI in Cosmetology: Beyond Beauty

AI in Cosmetology: Beyond Beauty

Did you know that cosmetology is not only about looks? Scroll down to find out how cosmetology can be improved using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how aspects you didn’t know are intertwined with this interesting field of application!


AI in Bioinformatics: Hacking Life

AI in Bioinformatics: Hacking Life

For years, humans have studied life, from enormous mammals to tiny bacteria, unseen by the naked eye. A question drives scientists: ‘Why?’ Can AI help them? Let’s find out!

Incremental Value

No Leap of Faith

Moonshot digital transformation often leaves stakeholders disillusioned. The lack of early results may be interpreted as a stalling project in their eyes, leading to cancellation.

TechnoLynx prioritises stakeholder involvement via incremental updates and works toward establishing an agile delivery cadence. We prefer going with the tried and tested first before moving on to shiny new things.



How to Distinguish Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality?

How to Distinguish Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality?

Learn how to easily distinguish between augmented reality and virtual reality. Discover the future of AR and VR and their impact on various industries.


Would AGI make its own body?

Would AGI make its own body?

Explore the future of artificial general intelligence (AGI) and its potential to create its own body. Discover how AGI mimics the human brain, the role of neural networks, and the implications of AGI with a physical form.


Understanding Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

Understanding Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

Discover how computer vision and pattern recognition are transforming industries. Explore the future of image processing, object detection, and more.


The Future of Augmented Reality: Transforming Our World

The Future of Augmented Reality: Transforming Our World

Discover the future of augmented reality (AR) and its transformative potential across various industries. Explore the latest advancements in AR and its applications in education, healthcare, retail, and more.


How is MLOPs Consulting useful for the Manufacturing Industry?

How is MLOPs Consulting useful for the Manufacturing Industry?

Learn how MLOps consulting enhances the manufacturing industry by improving efficiency, quality, and decision-making. Discover the benefits of integrating machine learning models and operations in manufacturing.


Where does cutting edge AI meet MLOps?

Where does cutting edge AI meet MLOps?

Discover how cutting-edge AI intersects with MLOps to transform machine learning operations. Explore the roles of data scientists, real-time model deployment, natural language processing, and the benefits of integrating AI technologies like large language models and computer vision into MLOps.


How Does Image Recognition Work?

How Does Image Recognition Work?

Learn how image recognition works, from training data and convolutional neural networks to real-time processing.


Why do we need GPU in AI?

Why do we need GPU in AI?

Discover why GPUs are essential in AI. Learn about their role in machine learning, neural networks, and deep learning projects.


How to use GPU Programming in Machine Learning?

How to use GPU Programming in Machine Learning?

Learn how to implement and optimise machine learning models using NVIDIA GPUs, CUDA programming, and more. Find out how TechnoLynx can help you adopt this technology effectively.


The role of AI in the travel and hospitality industries?

The role of AI in the travel and hospitality industries?

Let's see how AI is revolutionising the travel and hospitality industry by enhancing customer service, improving efficiency, and creating personalised travel experiences. Learn how TechnoLynx can help your business adopt AI technologies effectively.


What are the best future applications of virtual reality?

What are the best future applications of virtual reality?

Learn about the best future applications of virtual reality across education, healthcare, real estate, and more. Learn how TechnoLynx can help your business succeed with cutting-edge VR solutions.


AI Consulting in Real Estate: Benefits and Challenges

AI Consulting in Real Estate: Benefits and Challenges

Discover the benefits and challenges of AI consulting in real estate. Learn how AI can improve decision-making, customer service, and property management.


How AI Can Benefit Product Development Consultancy?

How AI Can Benefit Product Development Consultancy?

Let's see how AI is revolutionising product development consultancy. Learn about the benefits of AI in market research, design, production, and customer satisfaction. Find out how TechnoLynx can help your business succeed with AI-driven solutions.


What are some applications of NLP in Computer Vision?

What are some applications of NLP in Computer Vision?

Discover how natural language processing (NLP) is integrated with computer vision to enhance AI capabilities. Learn about the applications of NLP in computer vision and how TechnoLynx can help your business leverage these technologies.


What is the future of Automation in Construction?

What is the future of Automation in Construction?

Discover how automation in construction is transforming the industry, increasing productivity, and reducing human error. Learn about the benefits of automation systems and the role of industrial robotics in modern construction projects.


How can we use AI and IoT devices to fight air pollution?

How can we use AI and IoT devices to fight air pollution?

Learn how AI and IoT devices can combat air pollution. Discover real-world applications, benefits, and how TechnoLynx can help improve air quality using advanced technology.