We're at the forefront of innovation, shaping immersive experiences in Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and Extended Reality (XR). Our adept team merges technical prowess with creative insight to deliver transformative solutions that seamlessly integrate the physical world with computer-generated digital content.


TechnoLynx specialises in enhancing AR/VR/XR technology solutions through advanced artificial intelligence (AI) integration. Our proficiency lies in optimising existing applications across graphics, real-time processing, mobile apps, wearables, and website platforms to enhance user experiences and drive business growth.

AR/VR/XR solutions offer businesses invaluable opportunities to enrich customer interaction, streamline training processes, and provide immersive product experiences. This can lead to increased sales, improved operational efficiency, and a significant competitive edge in the market.

Industries & Applications

Industries that can benefit from tailor-made AR/VR/XR solutions:

  • Retail and E-Commerce: Elevating the shopping experience by enabling customers to try on clothing virtually, visualise furniture in their homes, or preview products before purchase, thus boosting sales and reducing returns.
  • Real Estate: Providing virtual property tours, allowing potential buyers to explore homes remotely and visualise renovations or interior designs, saving time and generating interest in properties.
  • Healthcare: Creating immersive training simulations for medical professionals, constructing virtual environments for patient education, and utilising AR for surgical navigation, thereby enhancing patient outcomes and minimising risks.
  • Education: Offering interactive learning experiences through VR simulations, virtual field trips, and immersive educational content to enhance student engagement and understanding.
  • Video Gaming and Entertainment: Developing captivating VR games and experiences, providing users with unparalleled immersion in mixed reality and entertainment value, attracting a dedicated audience, and generating revenue through subscriptions or in-app purchases.
  • Manufacturing and Industrial Training: Simulating complex manufacturing processes, providing virtual equipment training, and improving safety protocols through immersive simulations, thus reducing training costs and workplace accidents.
  • Architecture and Construction: Utilising VR for architectural visualisation enables clients to walk through virtual building models, make design decisions, and identify potential issues before construction begins, saving time and resources.
  • Tourism and Hospitality: Creating virtual worlds of destinations, hotels, and attractions, allowing potential visitors to experience destinations before booking, driving tourism interest, and increasing bookings.
  • Automotive: Developing virtual showrooms for car dealerships, enabling customers to explore vehicle options and customisations in detail, enhancing the car buying experience and increasing sales.
  • Training and Simulation: Designing immersive training programs for various industries, including military, aviation, and emergency response, allowing trainees to practice in realistic scenarios without real-world risks, thus improving skills and decision-making abilities.

Technical Excellence

Founded in 2019 by Balázs Keszthelyi, co-inventor of more than a dozen patents and contributor to two international standards, we know how to beat the state-of-the-art.

Balázs’ passion for high quality and superior performance sets a high bar, generating value for our clients and growth for our employees.

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