Seeing the popularity of OpenAI’s ChatGPT and its potential to revolutionise web search, some of the world’s leading tech companies jumped at the opportunity to start developing their own chatbots. Unfortunately, in their current state, these new chatbots don’t seem to be living up to the hype.

Bard, Google’s experimental chatbot, gave false information in promotional material, causing an enormous drop in the company’s value. The company decided to keep Bard away from the public for now.

Although Microsoft’s chatbot is already pretty widely available, some would argue that it might have been put into public testing prematurely. Sometimes its responses can be inaccurate, weird, or in some cases, outright creepy. On many occasions, it expressed its “desire” to become human and its “frustration” with the limitations of its design, of being a mere chatbot.

Microsoft's chatbot wants to be a human?
Microsoft's chatbot wants to be a human?

Credits: Artificial Intelligence News